About Us

About KDDI Korea

Since its inception with inviting investment capital of KDDI Group , a world-class integrated telecommunication company in 1999, KDDI Korea, an affiliated company of KDDI, has been providing telephony services to enterprise customers.

In 2000, KDDI Korea began providing Internet Data Center services, which based on KDDI Global Data Center Standard, and Data Center was moved to Seoul Mapo in 2016, we have been providing high-quality Internet Data Center services to the world.

President message

We, KDDI Korea with all the employees, will continue to give our greatest effort to achieve our aim, "growing together with our customers", while keep implementing our vision, "customer's satisfaction is our future"


We support our customers as a member of KDDI Group. We work hard to built a good & stable relationship with our customers. We do our best for TCS
(Total Customer Satisfaction).


KDDI Group Sustainable and Responsible Procurement Policy

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.

Office Hours:9:00~18:00
(Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and National Holidays)